I have several devices in my workshop which are allowing me machining of metals such as a steel, brass, and aluminium. I have a small modeling lathe Proxxon FD 150/E and precise milling machine Proxxon MF 70. The mill is being prepared to converse to CNC machining. I have almost all required components to converse this machine to CNC. I have just started machining and I must learn yet a lot. I have also some additional equipment like cutters for mill and lathe, precise vise, and a clamp for the mill which I can use to precise drilling holes on the plan of circle in equal distances or cutting rounded parts, but it will be not needed, when I end with remaking of this milling machine to CNC.I am planning to buy a saw for cutting metals and I need several other additional equipment. My workshop is still developing. I don't have a lot of financial resources for investing, so I try to buy exactly this what I need. Additionally, I need some organization in my machining workshop, and I plan to adapt more surface for my works. I am working and learning alone, and to help I have only Google and AI from the Internet. I have a lot of work yet to do. For now, I am focused on machining brass, because it is nice in machining material easy to machining. I must buy more raw materials for machining right now, because this quantity of material what I have is not sufficient for long-term learning.The lathe I have allows for longitudinal and transverse turning, as well as drilling of sleeves (with a drill up to 6.5 mm in diameter) and conical surfaces. It has two gears on the V-belt and smooth speed regulation. It can work with steel and other non-ferrous metals, as well as with plastics such as plexiglass. However, it is a miniature lathe (15 cm in centers), but it has a through hole in the spindle enabling the passage of shafts to the diameter. 8 mm to enable turning longer elements. All these parameters predefine the purpose of the device for modeling, jewelry and watchmaking work, just like in the case of the MF 70 milling machine. Mastering the skills of turning on a lathe and handling with milling machnes will allow me to gain a possibility to realize my most ambitious goals in mechnical technology based on application of centrifugal force and inertial effects and also will be usful in other application of technology that I plan to use.
I plan first to build a project based on the application of several heavy rollers rotating on assymetric orbit, there will be three the same inertial generators located on 120 degrees angle between them. The device is based on assymetric distribution of centrifugal force created during the work of the device, which is coming from the weight of the rollers in motion. This device first will be built using micro scale. I am also preparing to build swivel arm device with four swivel arms and for that aim I have begun to machine the brass rings with ball bearings inside the holes on each side of the ring. The masses are pulled by cross rotor and swivel arms and they are inclined on the 90 degrees angle to each other. The problem with machining of this kind of solution is the same as in the other devices because I still have no access to CNC solutions as I still fight with my mill CNC configuration because I have no skill with handling with such a devices. I have managed to load GRBL program for my Arduino board and to test working of one stepper motor. However for joining the entire system to properly working device I have encountered a problem. This problem is having no skill in configuration ESTLCam program for milling machine, which is to control my milling machine and it will allow me to do anything on my mill. So untill the time I will understand the working and proper setting of milling machine controlling program I won't do a lot. I cant use also Fusion 360 because I can't handle with this program at all. I need to learn something more about those programs, however I have a full access to ESTCam due to purchsing a licenced program, but Fusion is paid also and the monthly fee is beyond my financial abilities, although I know that this program could allow me also access for making PCB boards and many other functinalities which ESTLCam is not able to offer. Still ESTLCam is cheapiest solution and allow me for more than I will need at the beginning, so buying the program on monthly payment right now is not wise solution. I have also FreeCAD freeware program copy.