Polaryzacja rolek magnesów jest jednak sporna...Gdyby magnesy wewnątrz miały niezgodną polaryzację do zewnętrznego pierścienia (spolaryzowaną na przyciąganie z obręczą- pierścieniem zewnętrznym), a sprężyny działałyby na przyciąganie, czyli dążyłyby do skompresowania, od wewnątrz byłyby one silnie przyciągane do obręczy magnetycznej, sprężyny z kolei dążyłyby do oderwania magnesów od obręczy, dlatego pomyślałem, że powstawałyby niezrównoważone siły wprawiające w obrót wewnętrzny rotor, jednak nie ma gwarancji, że system nie ulegnie zrównoważeniu automatycznie po skonstruowaniu urządzenia i uruchomieniu. Siły zaznaczone strzałkami czarnymi na ramionach rotora pochodzące od sprężyn sugerują i oznaczają, że nigdy ich zwroty nie są przeciwne do siebie w żadnym położeniu rotora (zawsze są pod pewnym kątem do sąsiednich wektorów) więc siły pozostaną aktywne. Poniżej zamieszczam rysunek jak w tym przypadku powinno to wyglądać.
A magnetic device based on attraction between circumference permanent magnets and outside magnet - rim also made from permanent magnet or soft steel. The rest of work are making the springs, which are trying to attract each permanent small magnet to the center of the rotor, but not exactly because there is certain distance between linear force created by each spring and the geometric center of the system, and the force axis are not passing through the exact center of the device thus the vectors are omitting that center what. The result is that the system is not balanced mechanically, because none of vectors coming from the springs is acting on the same straight line. This system is asymmetric in every cross section in the perpendicular ax of this drawing plane. I'm not completely sure whether the device would be working as I want, and it was not tested due to my low skill in machining and low knowledge in such a devices operation principle. The circumference magnets which are sliding from the inside on the outside rim should be mounted on ball bearings. However still, there is the possibility, that the device will not be working, and the system will be balanced right after the setting up moment. For this problem is only one solution and this is to build the prototype, however some of people could also try to calculate whether the device will be working if they own a proper software. I was trying to imagine the working of this device many times, sometimes it was seemed to me that the device will be working fine, and sometimes that it won't work correctly due to forces will be balanced automatically. So, if someone have a proper software than after loading this data to the program will be able to check this problematic for me system out. Like many other magnetic motors this system is also controversial. I posted it here because I am interested of generating electric energy without burning fuel and I am aware of the danger coming from application of nuclear energy also other energy sources are not safe for our civilization, so searching for the new source of generating energy seems to be very reasonable right now.